North Kazakhstan region farmers awarded medals and orders
In Petropavlovsk, farmers were honored. On the eve of Rural Worker Day, they were awarded orders, medals, and badges. In total, 36 workers of the agro-industrial complex were recognized, reports "24KZ".
This autumn, grain growers threshed more than 6 million tons of grain crops and built about 20 new dairy farms. The year turned out to be productive and today farmers are reaping its fruits.
"Our region can rightfully be called one of the main breadwinners of our country," said the Akim of the North Kazakhstan region Gauez Nurmukhambetov. "Today we are summing up the results of a great and intense work for the year. It is important for farmers that for the first time at the level of our President it was announced that farmers should be provided with working capital at the right time and in the required volume. Agro-entrepreneurs, specialists and ordinary workers of the agro-industrial complex of the region received orders, medals and badges. Among the 35 awarded was farmer Alexander Fadeyev. This year he launched a new MTF and today was awarded the honorary order "Kurmet".
Alexander Fadeev, director of Atameken-Agro-Korneevka LLP:
- It is a great honor for me. Having worked in agriculture for more than 20 years, my merits are marked by this. Today, agriculture is our driver. Therefore, many thanks to the Head of State for supporting agriculture. In general, we are always ready to work, to support our state within the framework of the food program.
Summing up the season, farmers are preparing for the next one. The latest changes in state support pleasantly surprise them.
Serik Malaev, Director of TOO Akseleu:
– The President has initiated that credit resources will be issued already in December. Instead of 18% – 5%. The state takes on the rest. It is also noteworthy that out of 85% of the collateral property we pay only 5%. This is encouraging.
This year, North Kazakhstan agricultural enterprises purchased over two thousand units of agricultural machinery and equipment. The total purchase amount exceeds 56 billion tenge. To update their machinery and tractor fleet, farmers use preferential lending programs.
Authors: Natalia Volkova, Kuanysh Kazbekov