JSC Atameken-Agro celebrated the 20th anniversary of production and Agricultural Workers Day
On November 21, 2024, in Kokshetau, Atameken-Agro JSC solemnly celebrated two significant events - Agricultural Workers Day and the 20th anniversary of the start of production. The festive events became an occasion to express deep gratitude to the employees, thanks to whom the company successfully develops and occupies a leading position in the agricultural sector.
The culmination of the celebration was the awarding of the company's best employees. 43 nominations covered representatives of various professions - from agronomists and machine operators to accountants and lawyers. The winners were awarded diplomas, cash certificates, commemorative statues and travel certificates.
This celebration became a vivid proof that the company's success is the result of the joint work of the entire team. Each of the awarded employees is an example of dedication, professionalism and striving for perfection.
List of awardees
● Best director – Adam Oleg Erikhovich (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best LLP is “Shatilo and K” LLP.
The best in crop production and agronomy
● Best chief agronomist – Sergey Trifonovich Simonov (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best agronomist for plant protection is Vitaly Fedorovich Polekhin (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best agronomist-seed grower is Sergey Anatolyevich Kolmakov (Atameken-Agro-Korneevka LLP).
● The best agronomist of the team is Mikhail Sergeevich Lendenman (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best foreman of the field crew is Vladimir Vladimirovich Fuks (Atameken-Agro TOO).
● Best machine operator of the year – Vitaly Aleksandrovich Zabolotin (TOO “Michurinsky”).
● Best combine operator – Alexander Nikolaevich Lutsenko (TOO “Michurinsky”).
For high performance, chief agronomists
● Talgat Maratovich Iskakov (Dikhan Plus LLP).
● Alexander Ivanovich Materov (Atameken-Agro-Korneevka LLP).
● Dmitry Viktorovich Zakovorotny (Atameken-Agro-Timiryazevo LLP).
● Meirmanov Serikzhan Seilkhanovich (Atameken-Agro-Shukyrkol LLP).
● Tasenov Seisenbek Kalashevich (Atameken-Agro-Tselinny LLP).
● Bekendaev Sergey Nikolaevich (Sagat SK LLP).
The best in animal husbandry
● The best veterinarian is Boken Niyazbek Nurauly (Atameken-Agro-Shukyrkol LLP).
● The best livestock specialist is Erlan Galymovich Eskendirov (Michurinsky LLP).
● The best livestock operator is Dosmaganbetov Tanatar Abusagitovich (TOO “Atameken-Agro-Shukyrkol”).
● The best livestock operator on the pasture is Imanbaev Erik Aitkozhinovich (TOO Atameken-Agro-Timiryazevo).
The best in engineering
● Best Chief Engineer – Kolbik Alexander Alexandrovich (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best manager of the MTM is Khaletsky Andrey Anatolyevich (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best mechanic-adjuster is Bazarbaev Bolatbek Shashtauletovich (Shatilo and K LLP).
● The best operator of spring field work during sowing - Denis Ivanovich Voropaev (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● Best driver – Vladimir Viktorovich Chesnokov (TOO “Atameken-Agro-Yesil”).
● The best machine operator for chemical processing is Azamat Zeinollovich Baykeev (TOO Atameken-Agro-Yesil).
● The best machine operator on a bunker-carrier is Ruslan Tastambekovich Danyarov (TOO Atameken-Agro).
● The best bunker-transfer operator is Vitaly Yakovlevich Shuldays (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best packing machine operator is Sabirov Akshabay Seitovich (Dikhan Plus LLP).
For high performance, chief engineers
● Kirill Igorevich Vyunov (Atameken-Agro-Korneevka LLP).
● Skvortsov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (Atameken-Agro-Esil LLP).
● Setvaldiev Ramil Narimanovich (TOO “Michurinsky”).
Top specialists in other fields
● The best head of the PTL is Veronika Aleksandrovna Amelin (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best laboratory assistant is Victoria Vladimirovna Bobina (Atameken-Agro LLP).
● The best elevator manager is Sergei Pavlovich Bardanov (TOO Atameken-Agro-Yesil).
● The best drying master of the elevator is Igor Aleksandrovich Zhemchugov (TOO “Atameken-Agro”).
● The best section manager of the elevator is Stepan Vasilyevich Melnikov (TOO Atameken-Agro-Yesil).
● The best elevator mechanic is Zhumabaev Bekbulat Kenzhebekovich (Arsha-2 LLP).
● The best economist is Elena Ramisovna Gabunia (Dikhan Plus LLP).
● Best accountant – Lyudmila Alekseevna Naumenko (TOO “Shatilo i K”).
● The best HR specialist is Nursulu Zhanibekovna Daniyarova (Atameken-Astyk LLP).
● The best lawyer is Abaildin Ardak Alikulovich (Atameken-Agro-Shukyrkol LLP).
● The best dispatcher of MKTIO is Aidana Baglanovna Zhaytumenova (Dikhan Plus LLP).
● The best specialist of the Health and Safety Service, E - Igor Sergeevich Shulga (Shatilo and K LLP).
The festive banquet was a fitting end to a busy day. Colleagues exchanged congratulations, rejoiced at each other's successes and made plans for the future.
JSC Atameken-Agro sincerely thanks each employee for their contribution to the common cause. Your work is the foundation of the company's success and the stability of the region's agricultural sector. Thanks to your dedication, hard work and love for your work, we have reached great heights.