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Digitalization of the agricultural business of ‘Atameken-Agro” JSC

Seven years ago, the advanced agricultural business of Kazakhstan began its journey towards full digitalization. “Atameken-Agro” JSC became the first company in Kazakhstan that turned to international experience and decided to apply modern information technologies on Kazakhstani soil (literally and figuratively). Turning to the digital pioneers in the field of digitalization of the agricultural sector, “Agrostream” LLP, our agricultural holding began to introduce a unique analytical automated information system throughout the group of companies. As time has shown, this decision was absolutely correct, because the digitalization of processes invariably shows its effectiveness for “Atameken-Agro” JSC in many respects.


Показательным примером удачного процесса цифровизации в нашей Компании стал рекордный урожай на одном из хозяйств холдинга. В 2019 году казахстанских аграриев облетела новость: ТОО «Шатило и К» – аграрное хозяйство в структуре «Атамекен-Агро» – установило абсолютный рекорд по урожайности озимой пшеницы – 71,4 ц/Га. Это, конечно, выдающийся показатель, хотя даже средняя урожайность на полях этой фирмы составляет 50 ц/Га, что уже много в сравнении с другими хозяйствами. Руководство фирмы объяснило свой успех несколькими факторами, главный из которых – стабильная и эффективная работа информационной системы, в пользу которой сделало свой выбор руководство АО “Атамекен-Агро”. 

In summary, the digital approach in the agricultural business can solve a whole range of different tasks, ranging from grain logistics control, the process of loading elevators, shipment to the end client, ending with crop planning, and so on.  

In particular, one of the modules of the system we have chosen allows you to control the operation of all equipment in the field: combines, seeders, grain carriers, and the amount of idle time. As a result, the time of the entire production chain is enormously optimized, since sowing, harvesting and all logistics are carried out non-stop and error-free.

Другой модуль автоматизированной информационной системы, внедренной АО “Атамекен-Агро”, позволяет в автоматическом режиме вести учет зерна и видеть  движение различных партий зерна операторам. Кроме того, благодаря этому модулю, процессы, которые происходят внутри тока (поле – приемка – размещение – перекидка – подработка – смешивание – склад – отгрузка клиенту и т.д.) абсолютно прозрачны. Это особенно важно для поставщика зерна, чтобы контролировать смешение зерна разных качеств и его потери. Программа также формирует путевые листы, сравнивает физический и зачетный вес, чтобы выявить манипуляции с качеством зерна. Таким образом, контроль над процессом становится максимальным, а ошибки, связанные с человеческим фактором – минимальными. Это, безусловно, делает холдинг “Атамекен-Агро” надежным партнером для закупа зерна, ведь клиенты могут увидеть “прозрачность” процессов и убедиться в качестве продукции. 

Definitely, the program requires the installation of special equipment: video cameras on the fields, electronic scales, barriers, etc. But its effectiveness is confirmed by the reduction of various production losses and costs. In particular, one of the farms of “Atameken-Agro” JSC reduced such a serious expense as grain refraction already in the first season of “Agrostream” implementation by 63%. 

In general, digitalized control over production processes allows the management of the agricultural holding to see online from anywhere in the world information about where, how much grain and what quality is stored. Moreover, the data is updated every five minutes. And since the movement of grain is 24/7, this entire complex technological process is almost impossible to control without a program.

In addition to control over current processes, digitalization helps our Company in competent strategic planning and project budgeting. Agronomists of "Atameken-Agro" JSC have the opportunity to plan and control the rates of seed application for each field, fertilizer application, the consumption of crop protection agents from pests and weeds, etc.

Important advantage of the introduction of an automated information system on the farms of "Atameken-Agro" is the ability to control theft. Unfortunately, in large conglomerates of various companies, periodic clashes with the dishonesty of employees, theft of grain, fuel and fertilizers are not uncommon. The digital system monitors all this and allows you to increase the company's productivity by 10-15%. 

As a result, process automation allowed not only to collect complete information, improve the efficiency of the entire grain production cycle for the “Atameken-Agro” group of companies, but also analyze it to further increase profitability and improve business processes.

“Atameken-Agro” JSC definitely made the right choice of a partner in the difficult task of digitalization, because “Agrostream” LLP combines the experience of advanced foreign developments, but at the same time is maximally adapted for the domestic consumer. The head of “Agrostream” LLP, Aida Mullasheva, emphasizes the simplicity of the interface, the intuitiveness of generating reports, the informativeness and complexity of the developed product, which is successfully used by our Company.


“Atameken-Agro” JSC is fully satisfied with the chosen course for the digitalization of production and in the near future plans to further simplify the work of its agronomists by providing them with a mobile application with the functions of determining the likelihood of diseases and pests, as well as receiving recommendations for preventive actions. 

In conclusion, important to note that the timely correct strategic decisions made by the managers of “Atameken-Agro” JSC bring great benefits to the country's agriculture and set the right trends for other companies, stimulating the development of the industry as a whole.

Start of the sowing campaign

In the spring, farmers around the world begin the sowing campaign, which will kick-start the new season. For “Atameken-Agro” JSC, one of the leading agricultural holdings in the country, the 2023 sowing season officially began on April 22 with the sowing of lentils at “Shatilo and K” LLP. The next start, on April 23, was the sowing of fodder grasses on the fields of “Michurinsky” LLP. Wheat began to be sown from the farm of “Atameken-Agro” LLP also on April 23, while the main start of sowing on the holding of “Atameken-Agro” JSC began on the 26th of the same month.

Compared to last year's sowing season, which started on April 16, this year's sowing season started a little later due to the cold spring. However, there were no significant deviations from the planned work schedule.

As for the regions where the farms of “Atameken-Agro” JSC are located, field work started in the first ten days of April at “Dikhan Plus” LLP, located in the Akmola region, where they began the so-called “moisture closure” - early spring harrowing, the first and most important operation for retaining moisture in the soil. 

If we talk about the sowing structure in the new season of 2023, it has changed compared to the previous one. "Atameken-Agro" JSC decided to increase the sown area for lentils, sunflower and wheat. The area under flax and rapeseed, on the contrary, decreased. In addition, it was decided to completely stop sowing chickpeas due to the complexity of the cultivation technologies for this crop to protect it from weeds.


Weather conditions during the planting season play a key role in the success of the harvest. According to the weather forecast, temperature drops are expected this spring, but in May, according to preliminary data from “KazHydroMet”, precipitation is expected to be within the normal range. These factors affect the growth and development of crops, so “Atameken-Agro” JSC always takes measures to mitigate any potential negative impacts.

In general, agronomists of “Atameken-Agro” JSC are optimistic about the upcoming harvest. With the use of mineral fertilizers and favorable weather conditions, they expect high yields of wheat, sunflower, durum wheat, flax, lentils and other crops. However, as in any agricultural enterprise, there are always unforeseen factors that can affect the final result. Nevertheless, one of the main advantages of the holding is the predictably high result of the agricultural season, which allows accepting orders from buyers in advance. The trading department of the company is always open to consulting its regular and new customers and partners. As every year, the company uses all its experience and resources to ensure the most successful yields. 

Charity exhibition of pupils works of the supervised center “Ayalau” at the head office of Atameken-Agro JSC

Atameken-Agro JSC continues to be socially responsible and actively participates in the social sphere of the life of the city, districts and villages. for 15 years Atameken-Agro has been supporting the Ayalau Center, which helps individuals over the age of 18 with disabilities to become full members of society. This center has 130 beneficiaries of special social services, including 67 children aged 1.5 to 18 years and 63 people over the age of 18 with neuropsychiatric diseases. As part of the assistance to the Ayalau Center the company buys furniture, clothes, blankets, stationery, radiotelephones, toys and much more. 

Основная задача центра – обеспечить готовность подопечных к восприятию новых знаний, навыков, необходимых для физического, умственного, духовного, нравственного  и социального развития, адаптация к окружающему  миру.

The center conducts different cultural events for this aim. Thus, in 2022, the employees of Atameken-Agro were invited by the management of the center to the New Year's performance “Morozko”, where the children of the center took part. No one remained indifferent to the atmosphere, efforts and talent of the Ayalau children, because special children teach us to look at the world differently, making us a little kinder and more considerate. 

The emotions from the meeting were so vivid that the employees of Atameken-Agro, represented by the Personnel Management Service, decided to organize a counter event at the Company's head office. 

On March 2, 2023, an exhibition of art works by pupils of the Ayalau Center was held in the Conference Hall of Atameken-Agro JSC. The entire staff of the head office came to admire the works. The exhibits were surprising with their unconventional design, and high level of effort. Many employees wished to purchase creative works created by pupils with soul and love. Thus, the Company's team expressed their support and recognition to the creators of the works.

All the funds raised at the exhibition were sent directly to the authors of the works to give them the opportunity to develop their creative abilities. This charity event allowed the Company's employees to experience being part of the team that does a good deed and helps people in difficult life circumstances.

Atameken-Agro encourages its employees not to stay aside from such initiatives, because responsiveness, compassion and sensitivity are necessary qualities for the successful development of each person and the corporate spirit as a whole. 

Awarding the best employees of Atameken-Agro JSC holding according to the results of 2022

Atameken-Agro JSC adheres to a clear policy of the Company, which values its employees and strives to maintain their efficiency and well-being. For example, every year, according to the results of the previous period of work, the management thanks its best employees for their excellent work, sending the leaders on vacation to the seaside. 

It is important for the Company to pay attention to the special merits of its employees and take care of their physical and emotional health. According to the results of 2022, 27 top performers of the holding received rewards in the form of vacation packages in Thailand. Each employee was selected based on their professional achievements and merits, as well as relying on fair criteria to ensure honesty and transparency in the selection process.

The company is proud of its employees and strives to keep them energized, positive and vibrant, healthy and recovering after working days. Join our team and get a decent reward for your hard work!

Внедрение японской концепции “Кайдзен” в управление агробизнесом АО “Атамекен-Агро”

Компания “Атамекен-Агро” приняла участие в программе “Устойчивое управление агробизнесом в странах СНГ и Монголии” благодаря японскому агентству международного сотрудничества (JICA). JICA помогает обмену опытом между экспертами в области управления агробизнесом, включая сельское хозяйство, животноводство, производство продуктов питания и связанных предприятий. 

The program consisted of two phases. The first stage took place in Kokshetau on January 9-10, where chief engineers, agronomists, grain elevator managers and other stakeholders participated in the training of the Kaizen concept followed by the Company's management. During the training, employees (participants) studied the philosophy, basic principles and elements of the concept, types of losses in production activities, lean production tools, prevention of "poka–yoke" errors and the process of continuous improvement.

The second phase was held in Japan from January 16 to February 2 and included visits to Japanese agribusiness enterprises and seminars at which participants studied the practical application of Japanese sustainable management methods, including Kaizen and marketing. Pavel Utkin, the head of the Engineering service, represented Atameken-Agro JSC . He visited cattle farms, dairy farms, confectioneries, mills and elevators, manufacturers of agricultural machinery, studied sustainable development, systems thinking, circular business model, 5S, 3R. Next, he will have to implement and develop Kaizen technologies in the Company's subsidiaries.

Atameken-Agro Holding is interested in the continuous development of all its employees and enterprise leaders in particular. That is why, as part of the introduction of the Kaizen management system, a two-day training seminar was organized for the managers of subsidiaries of Atameken-Agro JSC together with a consultant-trainer of the Japanese center in the field of Lean production and Kaizen. 

In today’s economy, the relevance of the Kaizen concept is increasing day by day, not only at the local, but also globally. Rational use of resources, including human resources, which is taught by the Japanese methodology, will help the agricultural holding to remain at the top of productivity and competitiveness.

Завод по очистке семян в ТОО "Атамекен-Агро-Корнеевка"

Аграриям Северо-Казахстанской области продемонстрировали всхожесть семян, производимых на заводе агрохолдинга «Атамекен-агро»


Извещение о созыве годового общего собрания акционеров

Настоящим, АО «Атамекен-Агро», извещает своих акционеров о созыве годового общего собрания акционеров 27 августа 2022 года в 15 ч. 00 мин., проводимого в очном порядке по месту нахождения исполнительного органа – Правления АО «Атамекен-Агро» по адресу: Акмолинская область, г. Кокшетау, п.з. Восточная, проезд 20, здание 30.
Инициатор созыва годового общего собрания акционеров является Совет директоров АО «Атамекен-Агро».
Повторное общее собрание акционеров АО «Атамекен-Агро» будет проведено по тому же адресу 31 августа 2022 года в 15 ч. 00 мин., в случае если первое собрание не состоится.
Регистрация акционеров (уполномоченных представителей) начнется в 14 ч. 00 мин. на каждую дату проведения общего собрания акционеров.
Списки акционеров, имеющих право на участие в годовом общем собрании, будут составляться по состоянию на 25 августа 2022 года.

Повестка дня годового общего собрания акционеров:
1. Об утверждении годовой финансовой отчетности АО «Атамекен-Агро» за 2021 год.
2. Об утверждении порядка распределения чистого дохода АО «Атамекен-Агро» за 2021 год, принятия решения о выплате дивидендов по простым акциям АО «Атамекен-Агро» за 2021 год и утверждение размера дивиденда в расчете на одну простую акцию АО «Атамекен-Агро» за 2021 год.
3. Об определении аудиторской организации, осуществляющей аудит АО «Атамекен-Агро» за 2022 год.

С материалами по вопросам повестки дня общего собрания акционеров можно ознакомиться с 17 августа 2022 года с 9.00 до 18.00 по вышеуказанному адресу или обратиться по телефону 8 (705) 444-71-19

Конференция «Казахстан – Украина.
Технологии выращивания зерновых, бобовых и масличных в условиях изменения климата. Особенности трейдинга» успешно проведена

14 июля 2021 года была успешно проведена I Международная конференция «Казахстан – Украина. Технологии выращивания зерновых, бобовых и масличных в условиях изменения климата. Особенности трейдинга», в которой АО «Атамекен-Агро» являлось соорганизатором совместно с Общественным объединением «Сообщество производителей и потребителей бобовых Украины».
Несмотря на дождливую погоду конференцию посетили гости из 5 стран: Украина, Турция, Индия, ОАЭ, Казахстан.
Одним из спикеров Конференции был Председатель Правления «Атамекен-Агро» Исламов К.К., который рассказал о ситуации на сельскохозяйственном рынке Казахстана, о необходимости диверсификации выращиваемых культур, увеличении производства бобовых культур и об идее создания Ассоциациибобовых Казахстана.

The program raised topics of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the countries participating in the Conference, what biotechnological solutions can be applied in a changing climate, issues of seed and crop quality, seed cleaning and production technologies, financing and structuring projects in the agricultural sphere, about situations in the markets of different countries.

We expect that this event will be held annually and will become a fruitful platform for cooperation with other countries, joint exchange of experience, and also show Kazakhstani opportunities for the production and export of agricultural products to the rest of the world.

Окончание посевной кампании 2022 года по ГК «Атамекен-Агро»!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.