Atameken-Agro Holding Looks to the Future with Confidence
To achieve the goals set tomorrow, the right investments are needed today. Understanding all the risks of farming in the region (changes in precipitation throughout the year, salt marshes, high groundwater, which reduce the areas where crops can be grown with high precipitation), the Atameken-Agro (AA) agricultural holding took out a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in December 2023 to purchase state-of-the-art agricultural machinery in the amount of 10 million US dollars. After that, the holding made an investment of 20 million US dollars, which will be used to replace the existing fleet with combines, tractors and seeders using the latest technology. It is important to note that this investment will not only dramatically increase the efficiency of farming through digitalization, increased productivity and accuracy of activities, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby introducing a “braking” effect on global warming. Who among us is not worried/surprised by the rapidly changing climate?
By implementing such an investment, the holding, which processes with no-tillage technology – the most efficient resource-saving technology in the grain industry, is also switching to digital solutions that allow for more efficient management of production processes and increase the efficiency of working with land, water and fuel to the maximum. The introduction of legumes into crop rotation, practiced by AA, has a positive effect on soil fertility and is also a valuable source of high-quality protein for humans.
Thus, new generation combines and tractors will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 85 tons of CO2 equivalent per year, which is a significant contribution to the goals set by Kazakhstan under the Paris Agreement.
Inna Punda, an agribusiness specialist at the Rome headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), visited AA today to learn about the holding’s development plans. “Improving soil fertility and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are the key to future food security. According to UN estimates, Kazakhstan’s population will increase by 30% by 2050, while the country is located in a risky farming zone. Ensuring food security for future generations of the country and the world requires us to radically revise our approaches to farming based on a high-quality evidence base. Efficient use of natural resources is the main component of resilience to the (numerous!) challenges of our time.”
This project is being implemented within the framework of the NEXUS programme for agribusiness in Central Asia and is part of a consortium led by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and also funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).
FAO and the EBRD have been implementing a cooperation programme aimed at developing countries with economies in transition for more than 25 years. Green economy, inclusive development and digitalization are the main pillars of the organizations’ joint work.
Inna Punda,
Agribusiness expert
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome

Participation of JSC “Atameken-Agro” in the seminar “Business and Innovations”
On September 26, 2024, Astana hosted the “Business and Innovation” seminar organized by Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System (NURIS). This event brought together leading experts and business representatives to discuss modern trends in technology and innovation. Our company proudly took part in this event, presenting our achievements and plans in the field of digital transformation.
Our IT manager Bakhytzhan Almatov spoke at the seminar and shared his experience of implementing new technologies in the Atameken-Agro Group of Companies. He focused on the importance of digitalization in the agricultural sector and how it helps us improve the efficiency and sustainability of our business.
One of the most important steps in our development was cooperation with NURIS and COWMAS within the framework of the corporate acceleration program. This partnership is aimed at developing innovative solutions in the field of precision livestock farming, in particular, remote monitoring systems for cattle.
Among the key products developed by COWMAS, the control gate stands out. This system allows for automated counting, tracking and identification of animals as they pass through gates or fences on the farm. The implementation of this technology significantly simplifies the process of livestock accounting and makes it more accurate, which is critical for the effective management of our business.
In addition, the COWMAS handheld scanner has also been introduced, which enables rapid identification and counting of groups of animals, as well as the search for individual animals using electronic ear tags. This solution significantly optimizes the herd management process and reduces the time spent on manual operations.
The plans also include the development and implementation of a “control watering point” system, which is installed above drinking bowls or feeders and allows monitoring the cattle attendance at these points throughout the day. This solution facilitates more efficient resource management and helps monitor the health of animals, which in turn increases the overall productivity of the farm.
Participation in the seminar and cooperation with NURIS and COWMAS confirm our commitment to the implementation of modern technologies in the agricultural sector. We are confident that digital transformation will open new horizons for increasing the efficiency and sustainability of our Company.

Participation of JSC “Atameken-Agro” in the conference “EURASIAN AGRICOMMODITIES (AGRICOM)”
On September 25, JSC Atameken-Agro took part in the fifth annual conference “EURASIAN AGRICOMMODITIES (AGRICOM)”, where the company acted as a sponsor of the event represented by our subsidiary TOO “Atameken Agro Trade”. The conference brought together experts and specialists of the agricultural sector to discuss current issues and trends in agriculture.
Speech by Islamov Kintal
The Chairman of the Board of the company Islamov Kintal Kintalevich was invited as a speaker to the session "Grain and oilseeds market in Kazakhstan. Key trends and prospects in 2024/25 MY". In his speech, he shared an analysis of the current situation in the fields of Kazakhstan and voiced forecasts for the future harvest.
He noted that good harvests are expected this year not only in Kazakhstan, but also in countries such as Canada, Turkey and Italy. This creates additional competition in the world market. The yield in Kazakhstan is encouraging: in Kostanay region it is 11 c/ha, and in Akmola region - 12.7 c/ha. However, the quality of the products varies, which is an important factor for farmers.
Challenges and support
We also focused on state support for the agro-industrial complex, but noted that delays in payments negatively affect production. The importance of sufficient equipment and its cost was emphasized, since these aspects directly affect the costs and profits of agricultural enterprises.
Participation in events such as EURASIAN AGRICOMMODITIES helps us stay at the forefront of agricultural trends and implement best practices in our work. We are confident that by working together we can create a sustainable and productive future for Kazakhstan’s agricultural sector.

Progress of the harvesting campaign in JSC Atameken-Agro. Part 2.
Since the start of the harvesting campaign on July 24, 2024, JSC Atameken-Agro has been actively working on harvesting, and the results are already impressive. We started harvesting grain crops with winter wheat on August 9.
Current crop indicators:
Winter wheat: 100% threshed (1,532.8 tons)
Soft wheat: 43.1% threshed (91,195.72 tons)
Durum wheat: 45.3% threshed (48,523.16 tons)
Barley: 63.2% threshed (8,522.44 tons)
The work continues and we are monitoring the progress.
The harvest of lentils and peas is nearing completion and oilseeds have begun. At present, weather conditions are favorable for the harvesting process. The products are almost entirely delivered to elevators with basic moisture: for grains it is from 14 to 16%, and for oilseeds - from 9 to 12%. This allows us to hope for successful processing and high quality of finished products.
Team Support and Next Steps
We would like to thank all the workers for their diligence and dedication! Each of you contributes to this important process, and without your support we would not be able to achieve such results. We continue to monitor the condition of the fields, adapt our methods and take measures to improve the efficiency of the harvesting campaign.
Follow our updates to stay up to date with all the news and achievements of the harvesting campaign! Your participation and interest in our work inspire us to new achievements!

Atameken-Agro at Macau Pulses Congress: Inspiring Perspectives and New Opportunities!
On September 10-11, 2024, Atameken-Agro proudly participated in the Macau Pulses Congress, held at the luxurious The Venetian Macao Hotel. This event was organized by the Global Pulse Confederation, and we were honored to be both a participant and a sponsor of this prestigious congress.
The congress provided an excellent platform to gain up-to-date information on prices, demand, and supply of key pulse crops such as chickpeas, peas, lentils, and others. We were able to familiarize ourselves with the latest trends and forecasts, which will be valuable for our business development.
The panel discussions on the following topics were particularly engaging:
- China Market Overview – an analytical perspective on the Chinese market and its impact on global trends.
- Innovation and Technology – new developments and technologies in the pulse crop sector that open up new horizons for improving productivity and quality.
Numerous speakers shared their valuable knowledge and experience, allowing us to broaden our professional horizons and strengthen our business connections. The inspiring environment and the opportunity to meet with industry colleagues and partners greatly expanded our network.
We extend our thanks to the organizers for this outstanding event and to all participants for the opportunity to exchange experiences. We are confident that the new knowledge and contacts will help us continue to advance our business and implement innovations.
Stay tuned for more updates on our achievements and plans!

Progress of harvesting at JSC Atameken-Agro
АО «Атамекен-Агро» в полном разгаре работы по сбору урожая, начатые 24 июля. Наши сотрудники усердно трудятся, и результаты уже впечатляют. Обмолот идет по плану, и мы рады сообщить, что текущие результаты превосходят наши ожидания.
Этапы Уборки
Сбор урожая начался с чечевицы, затем мы переключились на горох. В скором времени мы начнем убирать и другие культуры (масличные, зерновые и кормовые) Последовательный подход к сбору позволяет нам эффективно управлять процессом и достигать высоких результатов.
Текущие Результаты
На сегодняшний день обмолочено 54% запланированного урожая гороха и 31,3% чечевицы. Мы с гордостью сообщаем, что урожайность уже превысила наши прогнозы: горох — 22,1 ц/га, а чечевица — 19,5 ц/га. Эти данные свидетельствуют о высоком качестве работы и эффективных методах сбора урожая.
Благодарность Нашей Команде
Особую благодарность мы хотим выразить нашей команде. Благодаря вашему усердию, профессионализму и стремлению к достижению высоких результатов, мы можем гордиться тем, что достигли таких впечатляющих успехов. Ваш труд, настойчивость и преданность делу являются основой нашего успеха.
Будущие Планы
Мы продолжаем внимательно следить за процессом уборки, чтобы обеспечить сбор урожая в оптимальные сроки и с максимальной эффективностью. Наши специалисты продолжают работу с полной отдачей, чтобы обеспечить наилучший результат.
Следите за нашими обновлениями, чтобы быть в курсе последних новостей и достижений. Мы уверены, что предстоящие этапы уборки будут столь же успешными, как и текущие.
АО «Атамекен-Агро» стремится к новым вершинам, и с такой командой, как у нас, мы уверены в успешном завершении уборочной кампании. Благодарим нашу команду за ваш труд и преданность делу!

Feedback from employee Munaidarov B.B. about working at JSC “Atameken-Agro”
Рады представить вам отзыв Мунайдарова Байзака Балтабаевича, который работает с нами почти 20 лет! Байзак Балтабаевич – комбайнер в одном из наших дочерних предприятий ТОО “Атамекен-Агро”. Он успешно совмещает жизнь в городе и работу в селе. Каждый день он с радостью приезжает на работу в село Благовещенка из своего дома в Петропавловске. Байзак Балтабаевич гордится своей работой в нашей компании, и мы гордимся им! Благодарим его за его преданность и неоценимый вклад в развитие нашей Компании.

Interview with the Director of "Atameken Agro Trade" LLP
ВопросHow do you assess the current season from a trading perspective? What are your expectations for the season?
ОтветThe current season is assessed positively from the trading point of view. Favorable weather conditions contributed to a high gross harvest of not only grain, but also legumes and oilseeds. Although it is too early to talk about the quality of the products, since it is finally formed in the period from the third ten days of July to the first ten days of August, we expect a large volume of products. This is a positive factor for us.
ВопросWhat new markets do you see for your company's products?
ОтветAt the moment, the main sales markets for our products are several key segments. First of all, these are traditional sales markets for grain crops in the countries of Central Asia and the countries of Europe - for the supply of hard wheat, oilseeds and legumes.
In addition, we see several promising areas for sales growth this year based on current market trends. First of all, there is great potential in the Chinese market. And we are actively exploring new markets for lentils in the Middle East to reduce our dependence on Turkish traders, as they have not been offering the most favorable conditions lately due to logistical constraints. If we are able to successfully enter these markets, this will have a positive impact on our pulse sales and create opportunities to improve our market position.
ВопросHow has the market changed over the past year and what trends do you see for the future?
ОтветOne positive factor is the introduction of new sanctions by European countries, which limit the import of Russian goods. This creates opportunities for Kazakh goods in European markets, as products with a Kazakh certificate of origin now have access to these markets. However, these conditions also lead to Russia being forced to look for new, less traditional markets, which may affect pricing on the world market. In particular, we are already seeing that Iran, which used to be a significant buyer, has now switched to other sources of supply, which changes the dynamics of competition in the market.
ВопросWhat are the competitive advantages of your products in international markets?
ОтветFirstly, grain crops from Kazakhstan, including wheat, are known for their high protein, protein and gluten content, which makes them among the best in the world. Grown in optimal climatic conditions and using advanced agronomic technologies, they meet high quality standards.
Secondly, our holding has a ramified infrastructure, including its own elevators and logistics facilities, which allows us to effectively manage large volumes of products and ensure reliable deliveries. We guarantee the fulfillment of all contractual obligations, which confirms our reliability and allows us to offer competitive conditions on the market.
Thirdly, it is our ability to grow almost all commercial produce in the region, which allows us to offer a wider and more comprehensive range of services, increasing our versatility and reliability as a supplier.
ВопросHow does your company ensure high quality products?
ОтветFirst of all, our company carefully controls the quality of products at every stage of their production. We monitor the process from the selection of seeds to the final product that arrives at the elevator.
We provide full management of the technological chain of production without involving subcontractors. This allows us to guarantee high quality of products and full transparency in the use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers. Our ability to control all stages of production contributes to the reliability of supplies and timely fulfillment of all obligations to customers.
ВопросHow do you build relationships with international clients and partners? What are the key factors important for successful cooperation?
ОтветWe build relationships with international clients and partners based on long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation, focusing on several key factors. First of all, we focus on the reliability of deliveries, high quality of contract execution and strict adherence to deadlines. This is achieved through the introduction of advanced technologies and management systems, which ensures high accuracy and reliability in fulfilling all obligations.
We are proud of our reputation as a reliable partner and offer comprehensive solutions that fully meet the requirements of our clients. Our goal is to build strong and productive business relationships that promote mutual growth and successful implementation of joint projects.
We view trading not only as a process of concluding transactions, but also as a continuous effort to maintain and strengthen relationships with participants in transactions, both on the buying and selling side.
ВопросWhat challenges do you face as a trading company and what measures do you take to address them?
ОтветWe face several key challenges, the main one being logistics related. In particular, the ageing of the rolling stock and the limited management capabilities of the railway transport under the control of the monopolist. These factors contribute to increased downtime and higher transportation costs, which negatively affects the efficiency of the supply chain.
Unfortunately, there are factors that are beyond our control. But on our part, to ensure delivery deadlines and product quality, we are actively forming a pool of proven logistics service providers and optimizing the loading and unloading processes of wagons, which will reduce downtime and increase efficiency.
ВопросWhat steps are you taking to improve business processes and increase customer service efficiency?
ОтветTo achieve this, we plan to implement a number of comprehensive measures. First, we will focus on synchronizing the interaction between service providers and their recipients. This will be achieved by introducing clear regulations for the execution of goods and transport documents, which will help minimize problems during customs clearance and speed up the process of receiving products.
In addition to these measures, we are actively implementing innovative technologies to optimize our business processes. In particular, we are updating the IT infrastructure and modernizing the contract accounting system, which includes improving control over their execution. One of the key steps is the implementation of the Agrostream program as a general trading program, which will significantly improve the efficiency of our operations and contribute to better interaction with clients.

Atameken-Agro JSC is preparing for the 2024 harvest
Friends, the harvesting campaign will begin very soon, and we are actively preparing for this important process!
As part of our Holding, we inspect and repair equipment necessary for high-quality cleaning.
To minimize crop losses, training is provided for agronomists and machine operators to set up equipment and control losses.
On June 25-26, a training seminar was held with the participation of specialists from other countries, where we discussed the organization of harvesting, removal and storage of agricultural products.
This year, as before, we will use a three-tier harvesting technology, which includes the use of the latest grain harvesters, reloading hoppers and Kamaz vehicles! The technology reduces harvesting time, preserves grain quality, and reduces costs.
We do not forget about the quality of storage: we carry out repair work on currents and elevators, as well as fumigation to protect the harvest.
We expect the start of harvesting lentils and peas on July 25-26, and winter wheat and other grains at the beginning of August.
We wish everyone a productive season! Let's start a new harvest season together!

Starting the New Harvest Season Together!
Dear friends and partners,
We are delighted to announce that the new agricultural season of 2024 has officially begun!
This year, we are once again ready to offer you the highest quality products, grown with love and care.
Harvesting will begin in a few weeks, and our agronomists have already assessed the condition of the crops. We are expecting a bountiful and high-quality harvest.
What's new this season?
• We have sown soft and hard wheat, barley, oats, red and green lentils, peas, sunflower, flaxseed, and rapeseed.
• We are implementing innovative technologies for crop monitoring and loss minimization.
• We constantly refine our methods to provide you with the best products.
We are always in touch! We are ready to answer any of your questions and discuss cooperation terms. Contact us in any convenient way, and we will be happy to assist you.
Stay tuned for updates! More information about our harvest is coming soon.
Thank you for your trust and support. We are confident that this season will be successful and fruitful for all of us!
The Atameken-Agro Team