Crop production
Crop production is the first and priority activity of the “Atameken-Agro” agricultural holding, which largely ensures the economic development of the company. It is crop production that stimulates the growth of other branches of the holding: it supplies cattle with feed, is a source of raw materials for seed production, makes it expedient to operate elevators and other related activities.
Our agricultural holding includes 11 crop farms. We carefully cultivate more than 321 thousand hectares of fields. This land fund allows us to grow:
- grains (wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt)
- pulses (chickpeas, peas, green lentils, red lentils, soybeans)
- oilseeds (flax, rapeseed, sunflower, safflower)
We are proud that Atameken-Agro JSC is a member of the international associations Global Pulse Confederation (GPC).
Crop production is a fundamental direction not only for our company, but also for the growth of the economy of Kazakhstan as a whole. Our key resource is land, so we constantly introduce innovative approaches to crop production:
- transition to no-till farming technology;
- changing the structure of crop rotation;
- introduction of the practice of using mineral fertilizers in different periods;
- improving the quality of application of chemical plant protection products;
- digitalization of processes in agriculture
The combination of many years of experience and the introduction of scientific and technological developments gives a stable increase in productivity indicators of Atameken-Agro JSC.