Taking care of the fields
The agricultural holding Atameken-Agro JSC responsibly approaches the careful use of the resources of the lands of Kazakhstan and the reduction of the adverse impact of its production activities. Within the framework of environmental protection, a set of measures is being taken to switch to no- till technology, which includes:
- effective use of acreage (changing the structure of crop rotation)
- improving the quality of the use of chemical plant protection products
- introduction of the practice of using mineral fertilizers in different periods
- selection of highly productive varieties (especially relevant in connection with the active development of the seed industry)
- improvement of seed quality
- optimization of sowing and harvesting dates

Natural animal husbandry
- rational use of pastures, namely, rotational grazing and the use of electric shepherds, allow the soil to restore natural grass cover
- advanced vaccines of the largest foreign manufacturers allow you to control the epizootic situation
- regular veterinary control leads to limited use of antibiotics and reduces the risk of developing resistance to them
- using our own feed from the crop industry allows us to dispose of them in the most environmentally friendly way and significantly reduce the amount of waste

Social projects
The agricultural holding JSC Atameken-Agro makes it a priority to develop the competencies of its employees, as well as improve the quality of life of agricultural workers and their families in general. The company’s social mission is to change the lives of people on our farms for the better and, as a result, to retain personnel locally. Our social projects include:
- training: advanced training courses, seminars, specialized training of personnel (agronomists - work with plant protection products, engineers - introduction of modern means of production, etc.), exchange of experience with foreign partners and experts. In particular, 540 people received further training in 2020.
- sponsorship in sports and recreation projects in rural areas: holding sports contests, equipping with sports equipment and uniforms. Sponsorship of cultural events.
- assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population

Environmental protection
Agriculture creates a greater impact on the natural environment than any other branch of the national economy. Environmental pollution most often occurs due to the imperfection of the technologies used and non-compliance with established environmental requirements.
Atameken-Agro JSC takes the following measures to ensure environmental protection, conservation and restoration of natural resources:
- cleaning equipment for capturing grain dust during grain processing
- the most modern methods and technologies of waste disposal (plant raw materials and animal husbandry), including materials used in work (workwear after chemical treatment, tires, batteries, oils, etc.)
- strict control in the field of application of pesticides
- rational use of fertilizers (from traditional mineral and organic fertilizers to micro-fertilizers based on amino acids)
- strict compliance with the rules of environmental legislation regarding the storage of chemicals for various purposes
- neutralization (disposal, destruction) of metal and special containers from used pesticides in licensed organizations