Трудовые соревнования сотрудников АО “Атамекен-Агро”: стимулы и достижения.
The sowing campaign has ended in the fields of Atameken-Agro JSC. The management of the agricultural holding uses a special motivation system to increase the efficiency of employees during field work. Thus, every sowing and harvesting season, labor competitions are held between employees of subsidiaries.
Главными целями соревнований в АО “Атамекен-Агро” являются: мотивация работников, повышение производительности труда, укрепление трудовой дисциплины, совершенствование профессиональной подготовки, достижение высоких производственных показателей.
In the past spring season, workers directly involved in sowing work took part in the competition. The criterion for determining the best employee in the competition is the percentage of exceeding the production norm. Atameken-Agro JSC has developed a clear algorithm for evaluating results so that all competitions are as transparent and fair as possible. The best employees are determined based on the results of the week, month and entire season in each subsidiary. At the end of the season, the winner of the labor competition is chosen and declared a leader in production. But that’s not all: based on the results of work performed for both seasons (spring and autumn), the agricultural holding determines the best employee of the year. The winners of the labor competition are celebrated in a solemn atmosphere.
At each stage of the competition, to further motivate employees, financial rewards are given to the winners. The winners of the work week, month and leading production workers are awarded bonus certificates for first, second and third place.
Based on the results of the spring stage of labor competitions in 2023, the following particularly distinguished themselves:
Harrowing: Kantarov Asylbek Malgozhdarovich, Gabdulin Amirzhan Galymzhanovich, Zaidel Alexander Vladimirovich, Listopadniy Kirill Vladimirovich.
Chemical processing: Rykov Gennady Fedorovich, Esekeev Sattar Ashimovich, Leonov Nikolay Petrovich, Plindik Igor Vyacheslavovich.
Sowing with fertilizer application: Dyachenko Nikolay Vladimirovich, Ryazantsev Andrey Vladimirovich, Bernikov Alexander Alexandrovich, Kuznetsov Oleg Arkadyevich.
Seeding: Yakovenko Sergey Evgenievich, Sharkevich Vasily Vasilyevich, Garkusha Evgeny Ivanovich, Telekeev Marat Tolospaevich, Mutalapov Seilkhan Meirmanovich, Gizdetdinov Aizat Fazylovich, Press Sergey Alekseevich.
Таким образом, соревнования между сотрудниками агрохолдинга АО “Атамекен-Агро” играют важную роль в стимулировании работников, повышении производительности труда и улучшении производственных показателей.