Atameken-Agro JSC - at the Agro&Food Security Forum 2024 in Warsaw
On December 2-3, 2024, the Agro&Food Security Forum was held in Warsaw. More than 300 experts from 25 countries gathered to discuss global challenges affecting food security and develop ways to overcome them
Аграриев наградили медалями и орденами в Петропавловске
В преддверии дня сельского работника аграриев СКО наградили орденами, медалями и нагрудными знаками. Всего отметили работу 36 работников АПК, передает «24KZ».
Этой осенью хлеборобы намолотили больше 6 миллионов тонн зерновых культур и возвели около 20 новых молочно-товарных ферм. Год оказался продуктивным и сегодня фермеры пожинают его плоды.
Director of Atameken-Agro-Korneevka LLP Fadeev A.A. awarded the Order "Kurmet"
On November 22, 2024, the director of Atameken-Agro-Korneevka LLP, Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev, received one of the highest state awards - the Order of Kurmet. This is recognition of his outstanding achievements in the development of agriculture, effective management and the introduction of advanced technologies.
JSC Atameken-Agro celebrated the 20th anniversary of production and Agricultural Workers Day
On November 21, 2024, in Kokshetau, Atameken-Agro JSC solemnly celebrated two significant events - Agricultural Workers Day and the 20th anniversary of the start of production. The festive events became an occasion to express deep gratitude to the employees, thanks to whom the company successfully develops and occupies a leading position in the agricultural sector.
Announcement of the film “Labor on Native Land”
On Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 12:20 on the Khabar 24 TV channel, the film "Labor on the Native Land" will be aired, which will tell viewers about the daily work of employees of the company JSC "Atameken-Agro".
JSC Atameken-Agro signed a contract with FAMSUN Co. Ltd.
As part of the official visit of the delegation of North Kazakhstan region, JSC Atameken-Agro signed a contract for the supply of equipment for storing grain with a total capacity of 50,000 tons with the Chinese company FAMSUN Co. Ltd.
JSC Atameken-Agro at the First Forum of Agricultural Workers in Kazakhstan
On November 15, 2024, our team took part in the First Forum of Agricultural Workers, which was held in honor of the Day of Agricultural, Food and Processing Industry Workers.
Agriculture requires constant development
Director of TOO Sagat SK Anatoly Lyapkalo is convinced. He has been managing the subsidiary agricultural enterprise of JSC Atameken-Agro for less than six months, but has already defined his strategy for the development of the partnership.
Author of the article: Areket Publishing House.
What does the success of an enterprise depend on?
TOO Atameken-Agro is the largest agricultural enterprise within the Atameken-Agro holding. For the past five years, the farm has been managed by Sailaubay Tulenovich Aubakirov.
Author of the article: Areket Publishing House.
Business is the basis for good deeds
Much has been said about the social responsibility of entrepreneurship. Business, especially large business, today acts as a full-fledged partner of the state.
Author of the article: Areket Publishing House.
Atameken Agro Holding Looks to the Future with Confidence
Green economy, inclusive development and digitalization are the main pillars of the joint work of organizations. We offer you an article by Inna Punda, an expert in agribusiness at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Participation of JSC “Atameken-Agro” in the seminar “Business and Innovations”
On September 26, 2024, a seminar "Business and Innovation" was held in Astana, organized by Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System. This event brought together experts and business representatives to discuss modern trends in technology and innovation. Our company took part in this event, presenting our achievements and plans in the field of digital transformation.
Participation of JSC “Atameken-Agro” in the conference “EURASIAN AGRICOMMODITIES (AGRICOM)”
On September 25, Atameken-Agro JSC took part in the fifth annual conference "EURASIAN AGRICOMMODITIES (AGRICOM)", where the company acted as a sponsor of the event represented by our subsidiary TOO "Atameken Agro Trade". The conference brought together experts and specialists of the agricultural sector to discuss current issues and trends in agriculture.
Progress of the harvesting campaign in JSC Atameken-Agro. Part two.
Since the start of the harvesting campaign on July 24, 2024, JSC Atameken-Agro has been actively working on harvesting. We started harvesting grain crops with winter wheat on August 9.
Atameken-Agro at Macau Pulses Congress: Inspiring Perspectives and New Opportunities!
On September 10-11, 2024, Atameken-Agro took part in the Macau Pulses Congress. The congress became an excellent platform for obtaining up-to-date information on prices, supply and demand for legumes.
Progress of harvesting at JSC Atameken-Agro
Harvesting work is in full swing at JSC Atameken-Agro. We present the harvest results as of August 12, 2024.
Feedback from employee Munaidarov B.B. about working at JSC “Atameken-Agro”
We are opening a section in which we will post reviews from employees of the Atameken-Agro Group of Companies. And the first review will be from the combine operator of Atameken-Agro LLP Munaidarov B.B.
Interview with the Director of TOO "Atameken Agro Trade"
We are pleased to share with you an exclusive interview with our Director of TOO "Atameken Agro Trade" Adilov Shukhrat. In this fascinating conversation, we discussed the key areas of the company's development, innovations in the agricultural sector and strategic plans for the future.
Atameken-Agro JSC is preparing for the 2024 harvest
Atameken-Agro JSC is preparing for the 2024 harvest
Friends, the harvesting campaign will begin very soon, and we are actively preparing for this important process!
As part of our Holding, we inspect and repair equipment necessary for high-quality cleaning.
Starting the New Harvest Season Together!
The new agricultural season of 2024 has officially begun!
This year, we are once again ready to offer you the highest quality products, grown with love and care.
Harvesting will begin in a few weeks, and our agronomists have already assessed the condition of the crops. We are expecting a bountiful and high-quality harvest.
The 2024 planting season is over!
We are pleased to announce that thanks to our team, careful preparation and effective resource management, Atameken-Agro Group of Companies has completed the 2024 sowing campaign!
Participation in the First Kazakhstan-China Grain Forum Agricom 2024!
We are pleased to announce our participation in the prestigious First Kazakhstan-China Grain Forum, held on June 5-6 in Bolé (Boro-Tala), China. This significant event, organized with the esteemed support of FAMSUN (China) and the Boró-Tala Chamber of Commerce under the Chinese Chamber of International Commerce, marked an important milestone in fostering bilateral trade relations between our nations.
Kintal Islamov: “We are focused on high results”
One agronomic season is not like another - each subsequent one poses new challenges, especially given the nature of weather conditions in recent years. The Chairman of the Board of Atameken-Agro JSC, Kintal Islamov, talks about how today's realities influence the current plans of the holding, and what tasks remain to be solved this year, in a conversation with a correspondent of the Areket publishing house.
The 2024 sowing season at Atameken-Agro Group of Companies has begun!
This year, sowing work began on April 24, 2024 in the fields of the Holding’s subsidiary, Shatilo and K LLP. The first plots were sown with legumes (peas) and feed grain mixtures.
JSC “Atameken-Agro" is the first agroholding to receive financing from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
The amount of financing from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) amounted to $10 million. The funds will be used to improve the energy efficiency of our fleet of agricultural machinery, which in turn will significantly increase the company’s productivity and support the sustainable development of the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan.
Video of the construction of a dairy farm by Atameken-Agro JSC and Westfalia Kazakhstan
How to strengthen the economy of an already successful agricultural holding and make the business even more sustainable?
A clear example of such a management decision is now demonstrated by the Atameken-Agro company, whose management decided to diversify risks and enter the dairy business.
The most advanced dairy farm in the country is being created by Atameken-Agro JSC and Westfalia Kazakhstan
The farm, unique in its technological equipment, will be the first project in the dairy industry for Atameken-Agro JSC. The project is being implemented in the village. Korneevka, North Kazakhstan region.
The Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China recently signed a Memorandum of Cooperation focusing on the trade of agricultural products.
On March 26, 2024, a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of trade in agricultural products was signed between the Chinese SPSI Cloud Port Development Group Co., Ltd. and the Northern Agrarian Union of Kazakhstan.
Signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation in trade in agricultural products between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China in Astana
On March 26, 2024 at 15:30 at the Hilton Astana hotel a Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of trade in agricultural products will be signed between Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China
We are 20 years old!
Throughout these 20 years, our team has been our most valuable asset! All our achievements are the result of the joint work of like-minded people to achieve goals that may seem unattainable to others.
Announcement! Earth and People. Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of "Atameken-Agro" JSC
On November 22, 2023, a documentary film about the employees of the Atameken-Agro JSC Group of Companies will be broadcast on the Khabar-24 TV channel.
Трудовые соревнования сотрудников АО “Атамекен-Агро”: стимулы и достижения.
The sowing campaign has ended in the fields of Atameken-Agro JSC. The management of the agricultural holding uses a special motivation system to increase the efficiency of employees
Changes in the Board of Directors of Atameken-Agro JSC
On June 2 of this year, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Atameken-Agro JSC was held
Lentil production. Trends and prospects.
Atameken-Agro JSC considers lentil production in Kazakhstan to be one of the most promising areas of agriculture.
The victory of the employees of "Atameken-Agro" JSC in the professional brain-ring
Employees of the agricultural holding "Atameken-Agro" JSC proved their high competence in agriculture by taking part in the intellectual game "August Brain-Ring"
Digitalization of the agricultural business of ‘Atameken-Agro” JSC
Seven years ago, the advanced agricultural business of Kazakhstan began its journey towards full digitalization. “Atameken-Agro”
Start of the sowing campaign
In the spring, farmers around the world begin the sowing campaign, which will kick-start the new season. For “Atameken-Agro” JSC
Charity exhibition of pupils works of the supervised center “Ayalau” at the head office of Atameken-Agro JSC
Atameken-Agro JSC continues to be socially responsible and actively participates in the social sphere of the life of the city, districts and villages.
Awarding the best employees of Atameken-Agro JSC holding according to the results of 2022
Atameken-Agro JSC adheres to a clear policy of the Company, which values its employees and strives to maintain their efficiency and well-being.
Японская концепция “Кайдзен”
Atameken Agro participated in the program “Sustainable Agribusiness Management in the CIS and Mongolia” thanks to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).